memory dots

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memory dots

Postby mhsphysics » Sun May 25, 2014 9:05 pm

Another program I use, Xenodream, uses memory dots. I think Poser does as well.

Within an Algodoo scene there may be several situations I want to revisit quickly. Right now I can save them as each as a different scene, or use the undo feature to backtrack. I wish there was a tool so that when I wanted to save my place in a scene I could hit an empty dot, and then if I wanted to get back to that same place, select the dot.

Since I am anew user, I may not know that there is already an easy way to do this. If so please let me know.

Thanks, MHSphysics
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Re: memory dots

Postby electronicboy » Sun May 25, 2014 10:34 pm

Shamefully this hasn't been done, however, as you may have noticed algodoo supports multiple collision layers. On scenes which require 1 or 2 collision layers, you can always use another few in order to simulate one effect. e.g. collision A for a ball hitting a box at 45d, collision B for the same scenario but at 30d.

Not exactly the best workaround, but may be feasible in some cases.
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Re: memory dots

Postby Kilinich » Mon May 26, 2014 9:28 am

It's possible to add scripted authomation for loading/saving scenes.
It could be binded on some keys or object (via onClick).
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